Cooling Off Provisions(Start Page)

Cooling Off Provisions

<Seychelles Republic Cooling Off (in the case of remote contracts and door-to-door sales) Provisions>

<The Seychelles Republic Act is based on British law>

“The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013” (effective June 13th, 2014)
Cooling Off Period: 14 days, including contract date (date of payment application)/Cooling Off Details: as follows in (1) and (2) of the consumer contract rules below.
(1) Operators and consumers are both obligated to provide the following information either in writing or via e-mail.
a) The existence of cooling off rights, and the conditions, period, and procedures of such;
b) Concerning shipping fees and transfer fees of goods, on principle the consumer bears the responsibility of providing such information;
c) Concerning the withdrawal of service contracts initiated during the cooling off period requested by the consumer, the consumer bears the responsibility of paying usage amount.
(2) Operators must, in accordance with law, return money received from the consumer no later than 14 days from the date on which they were informed of the consumer’s decision to withdraw the contract in the 14-day cooling off period.
a) Regarding the handling of costs during the cooling off period – concerning consumer-requested withdrawal of services after they have been started during the period in which withdrawal is possible, the consumer is to pay the operators any amount for provided services based on contracts, as well as rewards, overhead, and any other associated costs by the time they have informed the operators.
[When Cooling Off]
(1) All rights afforded to members will be lost
(2) Payments already made will be promptly refunded in accordance with provisions
(3) In the event of equipment, etc. being returned, the costs associated with the return(s) will be handled by the purchaser

[Cooling Off Procedures]
Notice will be given either in writing or via e-mail within the aforementioned period.

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